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Brass Fittings India - Specifications and news 2008-10-15
Hi. Ever wondered what is Honey and what is Tense?
Here is the list of complete ISRI Specs for metal scrap trade.
Barley No. 1 COPPER WIRE
Shall consist of No. 1 bare, uncoated, unalloyed copperwire, not smaller than No. 16 B & S wire gauge. Greencopper wire and hydraulically compacted material tobe subject to agreement between buyer and seller.
Shall consist of clean, untinned, uncoated, unalloyedcopper wire and cable, not smaller than No. 16 B & Swire gauge, free of burnt wire which is brittle. Hydraulicallybriquetted copper subject to agreement.
Shall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper wirehaving a nominal 96%copper content (minimum94%) as determined by electrolytic assay. Should befree of the following: Excessively leaded, tinned, solderedcopper wire; brass and bronze wire; excessive oilcontent, iron, and non-metallics; copper wire fromburning, containing insulation; hair wire; burnt wirewhich is brittle; and should be reasonably free of ash.Hydraulically briquetted copper subject to agreement.
Candy No. 1 HEAVY COPPERShall consist of clean, unalloyed, uncoated copper clippings,punchings, bus bars, commutator segments, andwire not less than 1/16 of an inch thick, free of burnt wirewhich is brittle; butmay include clean copper tubing.Hydraulically briquetted copper subject to agreement.
Cliff No. 2 COPPERShall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper scraphaving a nominal 96%copper content (minimum 94%)as determined by electrolytic assay. Should be free ofthe following: Excessively leaded, tinned, soldered copperscrap; brasses and bronzes; excessive oil content,iron and non-metallics; copper tubing with other thancopper connections or with sediment; copper wire
Clove No. 1 COPPER WIRE NODULESShall consist of No. 1 bare, uncoated, unalloyed copperwire scrap nodules, chopped or shredded, free of tin,lead, zinc, aluminum, iron, othermetallic impurities,insulation, and other foreign contamination. Minimumcopper 99%. Gauge smaller than No. 16 B & S wire andhydraulically compactedmaterial subject to agreementbetween buyer and seller.
Cobra No. 2 COPPER WIRE NODULESShall consist of No. 2 unalloyed copper wire scrap nodules,chopped or shredded, minimum 97%copper.Maximum metal impurities not to exceed 0.50% alu-piece tomeasure more than 12 over any one part orweigh over 100 lbs.
Dream LIGHT COPPERShall consist of miscellaneous, unalloyed copper scraphaving a nominal 92%copper content (minimum88%) as determined by electrolytic assay and shallconsist of sheet copper, gutters, downspouts, kettles,boilers, and similar scrap. Should be free of the following:Burnt hair wire; copper clad; plating racks; grindings;copper wire fromburning, containing insulation;radiators and fire extinguishers; refrigerator units;electrotype shells; screening; excessively leaded,tinned, soldered scrap; brasses and bronzes; excessiveoil, iron and non-metallics; and should be reasonablyfree of ash. Hydraulically briquetted copper subject toagreement. Any items excluded in this grade are alsoexcluded in the higher grades above.
Drink REFINERY BRASSShall contain a minimum of 61.3%copper and maximum5%iron and to consist of brass and bronze solidsand turnings, and alloyed and contaminated copperscrap. Shall be free of insulated wire, grindings, electrotypeshells and non-metallics. Hydraulically briquettedmaterial subject to agreement.
Drove COPPER-BEARING SCRAPShall consist of miscellaneous copper-containing skimmings,grindings, ashes, irony brass and copper,residues and slags. Shall be free of insulated wires;copper chlorides; unprepared tangled material; largemotors; pyrophoric material; asbestos brake linings;furnace bottoms; high lead materials; graphite crucibles;and noxious and explosive materials. Fine powderedmaterialby agreement. Hydraulically briquettedmaterial subject to agreement.
Druid INSULATED COPPER WIRE SCRAPShall consist of copper wire scrap with various types ofinsulation. To be sold on a sample or recovery basis,subject to agreement between buyer and seller.Ebony COMPOSITION OR RED BRASSShall consist of red brass scrap, valves, machinerybearings and other machinery parts, including miscellaneouscastings made of copper, tin, zinc, and/or lead.Shall be free of semi-red brass castings (78%to 81%copper); railroad car boxes and other similar high-leadalloys; cocks and faucets; closed water meters; gates;pot pieces; ingots and burned brass; aluminum, silicon,and manganese bronzes; iron and non-metallics.
Eland HIGH GRADELOW LEAD BRONZE SOLIDSIt is recommended these materials be sold by analysis.Elder GENUINE BABBITT-LINED BRASS BUSHINGSShall consist of red brass bushings and bearings fromautomobiles and othermachinery, shall contain notless than 12% high tin-base babbitt, and shall be free ofiron-backed bearings.
Elias HIGH LEAD BRONZE SOLIDS AND BORINGSIt is recommended that these materials be sold onsample or analysis.
Shall consist of turnings fromred brass compositionmaterial and should be sold subject to sample oranalysis.
Engel MACHINERY OR HARD BRASS SOLIDSShall have a copper content of not less than 75%, a tincontent of not less than 6%, and a lead content of notless than 6%nor more than 11%, and total impurities,exclusive of zinc, antimony, and nickel of notmorethan 0.75%; the antimony content not to exceed0.50%. Shall be free of lined and unlined standard redcar boxes.
Erin MACHINERY OR HARD BRASS BORINGSShall have a copper content of not less than 75%, a tincontent of not less than 6%, and a lead content of notless than 6%nor more than 11%, and the total impurities,exclusive of zinc, antimony, and nickel of not morethan 0.75%; the antimony content not to exceed 0.50%.
Fence UNLINED STANDARD RED CAR BOXES (CLEAN JOURNALS)Shall consist of standard unlined and/or sweated railroadboxes and unlined and/or sweated car journalbearings, free of yellow boxes and iron-backed boxes.
Ferry LINED STANDARD RED CAR BOXES (LINED JOURNALS)Shall consist of standard babbitt-lined railroad boxesand/or babbitt-lined car journal bearings, free of yellowboxes and iron-backed boxes.
Grape COCKS AND FAUCETSShall consist of mixed clean red and yellow brass,including chrome or nickel-plated, free of gas cocks,beer faucets, and aluminum and zinc base die castmaterial, and to contain aminimum of 35%semi-red.
Honey YELLOW BRASS SCRAPShall consist of mixed yellow brass solids, includingbrass castings, rolled brass, rod brass, tubing and miscellaneousyellow brasses, including plated brass. Mustbe free of manganese-bronze, aluminum-bronze,unsweated radiators or radiator parts, iron, and excessivelydirty and corroded materials. Must also be freeof any type ofmunitions including, but not limited to,bullet casings.
Ivory YELLOW BRASS CASTINGSShall consist of yellow brass castings in crucible shape,no piece tomeasuremore than 12 inches over any onepart; and shall be free of brass forgings, silicon bronze,aluminum bronze and manganese bronze, and not tocontain more than 15%nickel plated material.
Label NEW BRASS CLIPPINGSShall consist of the cuttings of new unleaded yellowbrass sheet or plate, to be clean and free from foreignsubstances and not to contain more than 10% of cleanbrass punchings under 1/4 inch. To be free of Muntzmetal and naval brass.
Lace BRASS SHELL CASES WITHOUT PRIMERSShall consist of clean fired 70/30 brass shell cases freeof primers and any other foreign material.
Lady BRASS SHELL CASES WITH PRIMERSShall consist of clean fired 70/30 brass shell cases containingthe brass primers, and containing no other foreignmaterial.
Lake BRASS SMALL ARMS AND RIFLE SHELLS, CLEAN FIREDShall consist of clean fired 70/30 brass shells free ofbullets, iron and any other foreign material.
Lamb BRASS SMALL ARMS AND RIFLE SHELLS, CLEAN MUFFLED(POPPED)Shall consist of clean muffled (popped) 70/30 brassshells free of bullets, iron and any other foreign material.
Lark YELLOW BRASS PRIMERShall consist of clean yellow brass primers, burnt orunburnt. Shall be free of iron, excessive dirt, corrosionand any other foreign material.
Maize MIXED NEW NICKEL SILVER CLIPPINGSShall consist of one or more nickel silver alloys and therange of nickel content to be specified, free of chromeor any other plating material. Leaded nickel silver clippingsshould be packed and sold separately. Not to containmore than 10% of clean punchings under 1/4 inch.
Major NEW NICKEL SILVER CLIPPINGS AND SOLIDSShall consist of new, clean nickel silver clippings, plate,rod and forgings, and other rolled shapes, free ofchrome or any other plating material. Must be sold onnickel content specifications such as 10%C12%C15%C18%C20%. Leaded nickel silver clippings should bepacked and sold separately. A description as to itsphysical characteristics should be made in offering allnickel silver material.
Malar NEW SEGREGATED NICKEL SILVER CLIPPINGSShall consist of one specified nickel silver alloy. Not tocontain more than 10% of clean punchings under1/4 inch.
Malic OLD NICKEL SILVERShall consist of old nickel silver sheet, pipe, rod, tubes,wire, screen, soldered or unsoldered. Must not betrimmed seams alone, and must also be free of foreignsubstances, iron rimmed material and other metals.
Melon BRASS PIPEShall consist of brass pipe free of plated and solderedmaterials or pipes with cast brass connections. To besound, clean pipes free of sediment and condenser tubes.
Niece NICKEL SILVER TURNINGSTo be sold by sample or analysis.
Night YELLOW BRASS ROD TURNINGSShall consist strictly of rod turnings, free of aluminum,manganese, composition, Tobin and Muntz metal turnings;not to contain over 3%free iron, oil or othermoisture; to be free of grindings and babbitts; to containnot more than 0.30%tin and not more than0.15%alloyed iron.
Noble NEW YELLOW BRASS ROD ENDSShall consist of new, clean rod ends fromfree turningbrass rods or forging rods, not to contain more than0.30%tin and notmore than 0.15%alloyed iron. To befree of Muntz metal and naval brass or any otheralloys. To be in pieces not larger than 12 and free offoreign matter.
Nomad YELLOW BRASS TURNINGSShall consist of yellow brass turnings, free of aluminum,manganese and composition turnings, not tocontain over 3%of free iron, oil or other moisture; tobe free of grindings and babbitts. To avoid dispute, tobe sold subject to sample or analysis.
Ocean MIXED UNSWEATED AUTO RADIATORSShall consist of mixed automobile radiators, to be freeof aluminum radiators, and iron-finned radiators. Allradiators to be subject to deduction of actual iron. Thetonnage specification should cover the gross weight ofthe radiators, unless otherwise specified.
Pales ADMIRALTY BRASS CONDENSER TUBESShall consist of clean sound Admiralty condenser tubingwhich may be plated or unplated, free of nickelalloy, aluminum alloy, and corrodedmaterial.
Pallu ALUMINUM BRASS CONDENSER TUBESShall consist of clean sound condenser tubing whichmay be plated or unplated, free of nickel alloy and corrodedmaterial.
Palms MUNTZ METAL TUBESShall consist of clean sound Muntzmetal tubing whichmay be plated or unplated, free of nickel alloy, aluminumalloy, and corroded material.
Parch MANGANESE BRONZE SOLIDSShall have a copper content of not less than 55%, alead content of not more than 1%, and shall (brass fitting)